Complaints summary

Our commitment

Brewin Dolphin Ireland is fully committed to providing our clients with the highest level of service. If you feel that we have not met these standards, please get in contact with us and we will do our best to resolve the matter and improve our service.

As a firm we value our clients’ feedback and fully investigate any complaints or concerns.

Complaint definition

We define a complaint as any expression of dissatisfaction about the provision of, or failure to provide, a financial service or a redress determination.

Where this is expressed, our staff are required to follow our internal complaint procedure.

How to raise a complaint

If you are dissatisfied with the service provided by Brewin Dolphin, you are entitled to make a complaint to us and request that an investigation is carried out.

Your first point of contact, for raising a complaint, is your usual Brewin contact such as your Investment Manager. However, if you feel that your complaint cannot be resolved by them, or you are uncomfortable raising it directly, you can contact our Head of Client Services, using this link or write to us at the address below.

Client Services Team
Brewin Dolphin Ltd
Risk and Compliance Department
12 Smithfield Street

We will acknowledge, investigate, and respond to all complaints in accordance with our internal complaint procedure.

As part of your complaint details, we would kindly request that you provide us with the following information:

  • Your full name, address, portfolio or reference number, your telephone number, and a convenient time to contact you, should you wish to discuss the matter.
  • A full description of your complaint and what you want us to do to resolve your complaint.
  • Copies of any relevant documentation you wish us to consider as part of the complaint investigation.

The next steps

All complaints are managed by the Client Services Team, based in the UK, who are part of the Brewin Dolphin Group.

Once we have received your complaint, we will acknowledge it in writing. We will also advise you of the individual’s name who will be investigating, and managing, your complaint.

As part of the Brewin Dolphin Ireland complaints process, the Brewin Dolphin Ireland Head of Compliance will be notified of your complaint. Please be assured that all responses are reviewed by members of the Brewin Dolphin Ireland Compliance team to ensure that the local compliance standards are met.

The Client Services Team will carry out an independent investigation and address the matters which you have raised. We aim to resolve all complaints as quickly as possible, and we will keep you informed of progress.

Once the investigation has concluded, we will provide you with a written response within 8 weeks of your initial complaint or explain the reasons for the delay. This response may offer redress, where it is appropriate.


If you are dissatisfied with the response you have received, you are entitled to refer the matter to the Financial Services & Pensions Ombudsman (the FSPO).

The FSPO is independent, and its role is to deal with complaints which consumers have regarding their dealings with financial service providers. Their website address is

Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman
Lincoln House
Lincoln Place
Dublin 2
D02 VH29
Phone: +353 1 567 7000

Data Sharing

As part of our internal complaint procedure, all complaints are managed by the Client Services Team, based in the UK, who are part of the Brewin Dolphin Group.

Therefore, your personal data will be shared with this team based in the UK. Please be assured that your personal data will be handled in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For further information, please refer to our Privacy Notice, available

We will not share your personal data, in relation to a complaint, with any external parties except where we are required to do so by law, or where you have provided your consent.